With an event as timeless and unique as the Magyar Gála, we understand that you might have some questions. To help immediately answer these inquiries, we’ve put together a list of our most frequently asked questions.
The Magyar Gála offers a unique opportunity to experience a glimpse into a bygone era and we ask that guests fully participate in this spirit. Based on the traditions established over many years, a military gala was a formal event for the officers and their families. The Magyar Gála is intent on recreating this military tradition.
Full-dress uniform, black tuxedos and long evening gowns are required. Traditional Hungarian formal wear, such as Díszmagyar for ladies and Bocskai jackets for gentlemen, or authentic folk wear may also be worn to the Magyar Gála.
Renting a tuxedo is great option for attending the Hungaria Ball, and there are several places in the city that provide tuxedo rentals. Annually, we work with suppliers who offer Gala dancers and gentlemen guests favourable rates. This information is provided with the invitations, so stay-tuned for more details.
Women’s long evening gowns may be purchased in numerous stores at very reasonable prices. Consignment stores are also another affordable option to consider. We do not believe in having to purchase a new, long evening gown for every year. Committee members and guests frequently wear the same gown year to year.
Mess dress is the most formal type of uniform used by military personnel, police personnel and other uniformed service members, which can be worn for formal occasions. Uniforms range from full mess dress (with dinner jackets, cummerbunds or waistcoats) to service dress worn with a bow tie for individuals not required to own mess dress (non-commissioned members and members of the Reserve Force). It frequently consists of a mess jacket, trousers, white dress shirt and a black bow tie, along with orders and medals insignia.
Gala tickets generally go on sale in January. Order forms may be placed online by completing our ticket order form.
A present-day debutante ball celebrates young women and men as they acknowledge and choose to be part of a traditional event, practiced in earlier times by their parents and grandparents. We cherish this traditional custom by introducing young ladies as debutantes and the gentleman as cavaliers, in a formal setting where they perform an elegant waltz.
We welcome everyone to experience a Hungarian old-world tradition. We would love to have you participate – there’s a role for everyone! Please review our information for dancers or send an inquiry to info@hungariaball.com and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
No, we do not require dancers to bring a partner. However, should you have someone who would like to accompany you, we certainly welcome them as well.
No! All we ask is that you make a commitment and have a positive attitude.
Not at all. We welcome anyone 16 years or older who wishes to fully participate and make the required commitments. For more information, plan to attend the Open House held in early October or email your questions to info@hungariaball.com. You can also email debutanteinstructor@hungariaball.com or palotasinstructor@hungariaball.com.
No, but pre-purchasing ball tickets is required (please see the ticket order page). If you do wish to receive a formal invitation, please send your current mailing address and contact information to info@hungariaball.com.
Since 1971, the Magyar Gála has been held at The Westin Calgary, in the heart of Calgary’s downtown. As a centrally located venue, guests and dancers have several options to choose from concerning private or public transportation.
The Westin Calgary
320 4th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2P 2S6